Service Supply Chain
Some key service supply chain challenges that organizations with reverse logistics face on a regular basis include supporting a product throughout its life cycle, ensuring that warranty claims are closed in time,minimizing product returns, tracking and managing the cost of reverse logistics, and optimizing final disposition of products.
- Using a framework to make strategic reverse logistics decisions, we can help you design and implement processes and tools that ensure proper execution.
- Our framework helps address complex topics of how Service Supply Chain considerations drive product design, manufacturing strategies, packaging decisions, and sourcing strategies, all the way to finaldisposition and recycling options.
- We also help implement solutions that ensure the optimum level of resources are deployed and appropriate metrics are in place to track and achieve desired performance levels in reverse logistics.
- Our service supply chain industry and subject matter experts will work with you to understand your unique challenges and help to position service management as a competitive differentiator and sustained value driver.
Profitable growth and customer loyalty are just a few of the outcomes our clients have experienced as a result of our collaborative effort.