Six (6) new subsidized programs, with a total budget of more than €950 million will be launched in the next period to support new businesses, for research and innovation, to support the production of audio-visual works and the energy storage sector.
Based on the planning of invitations to businesses and agencies from the European NSRF “Competitiveness” program, these invitations will begin within the second and third quarters of 2023.
The two active programs “Green Transition of SMEs” and “Digital Transformation of SMEs” concern the upgrading of existing businesses, therefore we expect that the new programs will attract significant interest from potential beneficiaries, as they will be the first subsidies of the new NSRF 2021- 2027 that support the establishment of small and medium enterprises.
1. Strengthening the Establishment and Operation of new Tourism Enterprises
The aim of the program is to strengthen sustainable development, competitiveness and job creation in new tourism businesses.
Potential beneficiaries are investors seeking a subsidy for the establishment of a new tourism business.
Total budget: €150 million.
Estimated start date: Q3 of 2023
2. Strengthening the Establishment and Operation of new Small and Medium Enterprises
The aim of the program is to strengthen the sustainable development and competitiveness of SMEs and create jobs in SMEs, including productive investments.
Potential beneficiaries are investors who seek a subsidy for the establishment of a new small and medium-sized business.
Total budget: €200 million.
Estimated start date: Q3 of 2023
3. Research – Innovate
The aim of the program is the development and strengthening of research and innovation capacities as well as the utilization of advanced technologies.
Potential beneficiaries are businesses and research institutions.
Total budget: €300 million.
Estimated start dates:
Intervention I, III (for businesses), Q2 2023
Intervention II (for business collaborations with research institutions), Q2 2023
Intervention IV (seal of excellence), Q2 2023
4. Supporting the Production of Audiovisual works in Greece
The objective of the program is to strengthen the sustainable development and competitiveness of SMEs belonging to this sector as well as the creation of jobs in SMEs, including productive investments.
Potential beneficiaries are small and medium-sized companies producing Audiovisual works.
Total budget: €100 million.
Estimated start date: Q2 2023.
5. Developing Innovations in the Lithium Battery Sector for the Energy Storage Industry
The aim of the program is the development and strengthening of research and innovation capacities as well as the utilization of advanced technologies.
Potential beneficiaries are small and medium enterprises in the energy storage sector.
Total budget: €49.9 million.
Estimated start date: Q2 2023.
6. Energy saving program for Business
For the Trade and Services sectors, projects with a total investment budget of up to €100 thousand are subsidized.
For the Tourism sector, projects with a total investment budget of €50 thousand up to €500 thousand are subsidized.
The capacity of the tourist facility should be up to one hundred beds.
Beneficiaries are small and medium enterprises.
The total budget amounts to €200 million.
For further information please contact VK PREMIUM Business Growth Consultants at : or call us : + 30 210 6835560
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