VK PREMIUM contributes to ORANGE GROVE Business Incubator

VK PREMIUM contributes to ORANGE GROVE Business Incubator/Co-Working Space

The CEO of VK PREMIUM, Mr. Costas Vamvakas is a Member of the Advisory Board & Selection Committee, Mentor & Key Expert

As a member of the Advisory Board, he is involved in:

  • The overall planning of the activities, allocation of resources, budgets and operations of the Incubator
  • Incubation: Leading the formation of new business and facilitating the business incubation process to enable commercialization of the business. Managing incubator facilities, interns and volunteers, and monitoring the associated budget.
  • Events and workshops: Planning various workshops/events/ webinars for the Incubator and monitoring the execution with the assistance of team members.
  • Mentor Network: Developing the mentors’ network for the Incubator and working with them in a joint effort to turn the Incubated ventures successful.
  • Partnerships: Forming partnerships with other organizations in order to provide services to the incubatees or the incubator including marketing, sponsorships, etc. Serving as the liaison with the government and the industries’ bodies.
  • Marketing the Incubator and Business Development: Actively promoting the Incubator through various channels etc. Assisting in the promotion and marketing of the incubation services and capabilities to the stakeholders. Identifying and soliciting support for the incubation efforts, cultivating supporters and lead entrepreneurial educational programs.
  • Funding for Incubatee Projects: In co-ordination with senior management of the Incubator, setting up seed funds for start-ups from private funds and/or structural or EU programmes.
  • Submitting recommendations to the Board of Directorsand government officials on programs which support the development strategy for entrepreneurial growth

As a member of the Selection Committee, he is involved in:

  • Pre-incubation: Deal Flow generation, Screening of proposals, Research, Patent landscaping. Working with entrepreneurs for their proposals, Reviewing and advancing proposals to the next level of the selection of incubatees
  • Interviews of the startupswhich applied for admission
  • Performance reports on interviews
  • Preparing all required reportsand maintaining a comprehensive set of records on all tenant activity, client activity and staff involvement in the process of tenant recruitment.
  • Final selectionof start ups

As a mentor he is involved in :

  • induction of new entrepreneurs: Establishing incubation plans and implementing them, assisting in writing business plans, keep track of the Incubation process; assisting in the incubates preparation of proposals for funding, etc.
  • Mentoring, Building and Managing the Incubatee team
  • Training courses for preparing business plans
  • Startups Networking & Coaching; access to industrial networks
  • Consulting on Pitching techniques
  • Fund raising consulting and assistance; Access to business angelsventure capitalists, seed capitalists and corporate investors
  • Technical advice and support
  • Intellectual propertyadvice
  • Strategic advice
  • Transferring by means of managerial & industrial knowledge to new startups and/or SMEs.