Waste Management Analysis for Greek Goverment
Waste Management
The Greek government is swiftly moving forward to implement new policies and programmes to address the critical issue of waste management.
Recently, a Common Ministerial Decision on the alternative management of waste material from excavations, construction, and demolitions was enacted.
In addition, the government established the Board of the National Organisation for the Alternative Management of Packaging Materials and Other Products (EOEDSAP).
With a common Ministerial Decision on the alternative management of waste materials from excavations, construction, and demolitions, the framework has been established for the recycling and re-use of these
materials in private and public sector projects, according to L.2939/2001. Some notable inclusions of the bill:
1. Quantitative targets are set for the recycling and utilisation of waste material from excavations, construction, and demolitions:
• 30% by the end of 2012
• 50% by the end of 2015
• 70% by the end of 2020
2. Conditions are set for the establishment of alternative systems of management, re-use, recovery and utilisation of these materials,
3. Measures are set for the cooperation of all involved in the management of such waste material within the framework of the principle “he who pollutes pays”,
4. Measures are included for informing and educating the public.
According to a study by the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, 6.5 million tons of waste materials from excavations, construction and demolitions are discarded annually, without controls, in
landfills, quarries and streams, the result being the loss of valuable and at times hard-to-find raw materials and excessive pollution impacting the environment.
With the new Common Ministerial Decision, in which recycling is extended to excavation, construction and demolition materials, Greece more thoroughly and effectively ensures the protection of the
The authority responsible for the implementation of the Ministerial Decision is the National Organization for the Alternative Management of Packaging Materials and Other Products (EOEDSAP).
The activation and viable operation of EOEDSAP is an important and necessary initiative to promote recycling and to introduce alternative management of packaging materials and other hazardous waste